Jeune femme à la fenêtre
Burin on copper
11 x 8 cm
29,1 x 20,4 cm
Publisher : Porte du Sud, Bussy-le-Repos
Printer : Lacourière et Frélaut, Paris
50 proofs on Arches vellum, printed in 1987 from a copperplate engraved by the artist at the time, to accompany the 50 first copies of the book Le Bignon, twenty-one drawings by Manessier, introduction by Camille Bourniquel, Bussy-le-Repos, Porte du Sud, 1987 ; some H.C. prints.
– 1 copy at the BNF: “Manessier 43” on the lower right, “H.C.” on the lower left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: “Manessier 43” at bottom right, “H.C.” at bottom left
Untitled – State (I)
Burin on copper
16,5 x 11 cm
23,5 x 19,5 cm
Monogram inscribed in the copper on the lower left
Publisher : [Alfred Manessier]
Printer : unknown
Number of proofs unknown (no trace of commercial edition)
– 1 copy kept by the family : proof on Vellum paper, handwritten mention at the bottom left : ” 2nd proof “.
Untitled – Other state (II)
Burin on copper
16,5 x 11 cm
32,5 x 25,3 cm
Monogram inscribed in the copper on the lower left
Publisher : [Alfred Manessier]
Printer : unknown
Number of proofs unknown (no trace of commercial edition)
– 2 copies kept by the family:
1 – blank proof on Vellum paper
2 – proof on Vellum paper, handwritten signature “épreuve d’artiste” in the lower right corner
Présence d’Apollinaire
An original xylograph by Manessier, printed on rag paper to illustrate Présence d’Apollinaire, collective work published on the occasion of an exhibition in homage to the poet (25th anniversary of his death), organized by Gaston Diehl and Jacqueline Apollinaire de Kostrowitzky, Paris, Galerie Breteau, December 22, 1943 – January 31, 1944
23 x 17 cm
26,5 x 20 cm
Signature in the wood at the bottom left, and an inscription at the bottom right: “Nov. 1943
Publisher : Galerie René Breteau, Paris
Printer : unknown
– 1 copy at the BNF (reserve of rare books)
La Table
Other title La Table au crucifix
Burin on copper
17,5 x 22,5 cm
25,3 x 32,5 cm
Publisher : [Alfred Manessier]
Printer : unknown
Number of proofs unknown (no trace of commercial edition)
– 2 copies kept by the family : blank proof on Vellum paper
There is another state of this same etching, signed “Manessier 1944”, titled La Table (with some differences in some details), from the former collection of Gaston Diehl.
Source : Public sale, Ader, 04.11.2020 Lot n° 47
Note: Inspired by a still life of the same year: Table d’autel dans une église de campagne (Réveillon), oil on panel, 26.7 x 35 cm, signed and dated lower right “Manessier 43”
L’Atelier or L’Atelier du Bignon
Burin on copper
28,4 x 14,7 cm
37,5 x 28 cm
Publisher : [Alfred Manessier]
Printer : unknown
Monogram ” A.M. ” inscribed in the copper in the lower left corner
30 proofs signed and numbered; number of artist’s proofs unknown
– 1 copy kept by the family : artist’s proof, dated and signed
Original lithographs
7 Lithographs on the theme of Easter
31,2 x 24 cm
65,5 x 50,5 cm [65 x 50 cm – 65,5 x 53 cm ?]
Album in sheets, 65,5 x 50,5 cm, with frontispiece and colophon calligraphied by the painter:
“This work composed of seven original lithographs in 5 colors by Manessier on the theme of Easter was completed on March 15, 1949 on the presses of Jean Pons. [Claude] Stahly made the cover. The edition was limited to 75 copies, 7 of which included an original watercolor by the artist. A few off-price copies were reserved for the collaborators.
Each album is justified and signed by the artist’s hand; each plate is also justified, lower left and signed lower right, by the artist’s hand.
– 7 copies of head (luxury), numbered from I to VII/VII
– 68 copies, numbered from 1 to 68/68
Publisher : Galerie Jeanne Bucher, Paris
(Ordered by Jean-François Jaeger on 18/01/1949 for the first personal exhibition of Manessier at the Galerie Jeanne Bucher, from 1st to 30th April 1949)
Printer: Jean Pons, Paris
– 1 copy at the BNF: “49/68 “, handwritten signature on the lower right corner of each print
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : “4/68 “, handwritten signature at the bottom right on each print
– 1 copy in the Musée de Picardie, Amiens : “VII/VII “, handwritten signature at the bottom right on each print
Bibliography: Le Nouëne, Patrick (dir.), Alfred Manessier, 1911-1993, paintings, watercolors, stained glass, lithographs, exhibition catalog, Angers, Musée des Beaux-Arts, 1994, p. 92 and following.
Plate 1: The Garden of Olives
Plate 2: The Trial and the Scourging
Plate 3: The Passion
Plate 4: The Darkness
Plate 5: The Entombment [or The Guarded Tomb]
Plate 6: The Resurrection
Plate 7: The Easter Garden
Lithography in colors
33 x 52 cm
38 x 56,5 cm
Publisher : Guilde internationale de la gravure, Paris-Geneva, dry stamp ” Guilde de la gravure ” in the lower left corner.
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
Paper Vélin d’Arches; number of proofs unknown
60 copies of the yellow variant, signed at the bottom left, justified at the bottom right in Roman numerals from I/LX to LX/LX
12 copies signed at the bottom left and justified “épreuve d’artiste” by the painter, numbered from I/XII to XII/XII (red variant, whose numbering is not in the artist’s hand)
there are also some copies of the red variant signed in the lower left corner and justified in the lower right corner “épreuve d’artiste” (without numbering) by the painter.
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom left; “H.C.” at the bottom right
– 1 copy at the Abbeville Museum: handwritten signature at the bottom left; “artist’s proof” at the bottom right
There is a variant where red replaces yellow; number of proofs unknown
Justification (red variant) / 200 copies.
Bibliography : Documents n°16, Geneva, January 1952 (accompanies the article by Camille Bourniquel : ” Alfred Manessier “, pp 8-10)
(Variant with a violet background)
Lithograph in colors
21 x 16,3 cm
33 x 50 cm (Format catalog sheet folded in two: 33 x 25 cm)
Format large margins: 33 x 50 cm (for offprints)
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
200 proofs (catalog), on Vélin de Rives paper, signed at the bottom left, justified from 1 to 200/200.
200 proofs (separate edition), on Vélin de Rives paper, signed at the bottom left, justified from 1 to 200/200.
– 1 copy in the Museum of Abbeville: handwritten signature; “épreuve d’artiste” in the lower right corner
Bibliography: cover and back cover of the catalog of the Alfred Manessier exhibition at the Galerie de France, Paris, from December 5, 1952 to January 5, 1953
There is a variant where the dark green is substituted for the pink: photographic reproduction found in the family archives of a print with a handwritten signature at the bottom left and justified “185/200”.
Crépuscule or Soir qui tombe
Lithography in colors
40,5 x 26,5 cm
49,5 x 38,5 cm
Publisher : Guilde de la gravure, Paris-Geneva / dry stamp
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
Paper : Vélin d’Arches ; number of prints 200
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature in the lower left corner
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom left; handwritten mention “good artist’s proof (the light of the forms is good and right) Manessier.”
Bibliography : Documents n°16, Geneva, January 1952 (accompanies the article by Camille Bourniquel : ” Alfred Manessier “, pp 8-10, under the title Crépuscule).
Included in the exhibition Printmaking in Paris 1905 – 1970, at the British Museum, London, 1997
There is a variant of which the Musée d’Abbeville holds a copy signed by the artist in the lower left and annotated “épreuve d’artiste” in the lower right (number of prints unknown).
Hiver or Jeux dans la neige avec taches jaunes
Lithography in 5 colors
41,5 x 57,5 cm
50 x 65,5 cm
Publisher : Klipstein & Co, Bern
Printer: Jean Pons, Paris
Papier pur fil du Marais; 100 copies numbered, signed and dated “52
– 1 copy kept by the family signed by the artist “Manessier 52” at the bottom left, and annotated “épreuve d’essai” at the bottom right
It seems that this lithograph, originally titled Winter, was renamed Games in the Snow with Yellow Spots during the traveling exhibition of Manessier’s Engraved Work 1949-1978, organized by the Galerie de France in 1980.
Litanies or Litanies du soir
Lithography in colors
51 x 32 cm
57 x 38 cm
Publisher : Guilde de la gravure, Paris-Geneva
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
200 proofs on Vélin d’Arches ; signed and justified, 10 copies H.C. also justified, and 6 copies H.C. not justified
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right ; “H.C.” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right; “H.C. 7/10” at the bottom left
Note: A tapestry of Alfred Manessier titled Les Litanies was woven in haute-lice, at the Manufacture des Gobelins (Paris), in four copies from 1954-1964. Its large cardboard execution was made in 1953 from the eponymous lithograph dating from 1952.
Formes et transparence
Lithography in colors
27,5 x 21,5 cm
Format small margins (included in XXth century) : 31,5 x 24,5 cm
Size large margins (printed separately) : [dimensions missing]
Publisher: XXth Century Review / dir. Gualtieri di San Lazzaro (1908-1974), Hazan, Paris.
Printer: [Mourlot], Paris
Vellum paper; number of offprints: 30
Edition of the magazine : 2000 copies
Signed in stone “Manessier 53” in the lower right corner
– 1 copy kept by the family : handwritten signature on the bottom left
Bibliography : in Revue XXe siècle n°4, January 1954, face page 16
The dimensions of the sheet included in the Revue: 31,5 x 24,5 cm
The format of the lithograph printed separately is to be found.
Lithography in colors
31 x 50 cm
38 x 57 cm
Publisher : Guilde de la gravure Paris
Printer : Jean Pons Paris
Swamp paper; number of proofs intended for the unknown trade; 20 artist’s proofs justified in Roman numerals; a few copies HC
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “HC” and “artist’s proof XVI/XX” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “HC” at the bottom left.
Bibliography: Manessier, the look, the color, the stone, 40 years of lithography, AF AA, 1989
Dans la prairie
Lithography in 5 colors
43,5 x 58,5 cm
50 x 65,5 cm
Publisher : Nesto Jacometti
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
95 proofs on Vélin de Rives, signed and justified ; some copies H.C.
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom left, “H.C.” at the bottom right
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom left, “H.C.” at the bottom right
Bibliography : Manessier, le regard, la couleur, la pierre, 40 ans de lithographie, A.F.A.A., 1989
Vers la mer or Bord de mer
(Au Crotoy)
Lithography in colors
37,3 x 47 cm
45 x 56 cm
Publisher : Nesto Jacometti / L ‘Œuvre gravée, Paris – Zürich. Cat N°39
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
200 proofs on Vélin de Rives, signed and justified ; some artist’s proofs
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature in the lower right corner, “épreuve d’artiste” in the lower left corner
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
Lithography in colors
48 x 36,5 cm
56 x 45,2 cm
Publisher : Nesto Jacometti / L ‘Œuvre gravée, Paris – Zürich. Cat N°38
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
200 proofs on Vélin de Rives, signed and justified; some artist’s proofs.
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
Jeux dans la neige
Lithography in 5 colors (last passage: yellow of clear Naples)
34 x 33 cm
56 x 45,5 cm
Publisher: print commissioned by Gaston Diehl (1912-1999), art critic, cultural attaché to the French Embassy in Venezuela and director of the French Institute in Caracas, to offer as a thank you to the donor members of the Institute.
Printer: Jean Pons, Paris
80 proofs on BKF Rives vellum, signed and justified; a few artist’s proofs signed in the lower right corner as well as about ten proofs for Gaston Diehl himself.
– 1 copy in the Abbeville Museum: handwritten signature on the lower left, justification “70/80” on the lower right
Lithography in colors
52 x 39 cm
65 x 50 cm
Publisher : Nesto Jacometti / L ‘Œuvre gravée, Paris – Zürich. Cat N°44
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
Papier Vélin de Rives; 175 unknown proofs signed lower left and justified lower right; a few artist’s proofs signed lower left and marked “épreuve d’artiste” lower right
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : handwritten signature at the bottom left, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom right
Hiver hollandais
Other designations : Moins 12°c or -12°c ; Hollande n°2
Lithography in colors
21 x 21 cm
32,5 x 28,5 cm
(there would be a small margins format where the sheet would measure 32 x 24,8 cm)
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer: [Desjobert], Paris
90 proofs on Arches vellum, signed and justified
– 1 copy in the Abbeville Museum: handwritten signature in the lower right, “56/90” in the lower left
Bibliography: this original lithograph Hiver Hollandais printed at 500 copies, is the cover of the catalog of the exhibition Alfred Manessier at the Galerie de France, in June – July 1956, devoted to Dutch landscapes.
Février en Hollande
Other designation : Grand paysage hollandais
Lithography in colors
43 x 64,5 cm
56 x 75,5 cm
Publisher :Nesto Jacometti / L ‘Œuvre gravée, Paris – Zürich. Cat N°96
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
Papier Vélin de Rives; 175 unknown proofs signed lower right and justified lower left; some artist’s proofs signed lower right and marked “épreuve d’artiste” lower left. In both cases, it seems that the justification is not in the hand of the painter.
– 1 copy at the BNF: “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left, handwritten signature at the bottom right
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: “artist’s proof” at the bottom left, handwritten signature at the bottom right
Exhibited at the Suzanne Egloff Gallery (Paris), from February 3 to March 10, 1970
Bibliography : Manessier, le regard, la couleur, la pierre, 40 ans de lithographie, A.F.A.A., 1989
Printemps nordique I
Other designation : Hollande n°1
Lithography in colors
22,5 x 16,5 cm
49,8 x 33 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
There is a variant, Nordic Spring II, where the yellow and pink are reversed.
300 proofs (small margins) were printed to accompany the 300 first copies of the book by Eddy De Wilde, Manessier 1955 -1956, la Hollande, Paris, Galerie de France, 1956, book printed at 2000 copies.
– 150 copies contain a proof of Printemps nordique I signed and justified from 1 to 150 on 300.
– 150 copies contain a proof of Printemps nordique II, signed and justified from 150 to 300 out of 300.
There is an independent edition of the prints : 30 proofs (large margins) on Vélin de Rives, signed and justified
– 1 copy at the BNF of Printemps nordique I : handwritten signature at the bottom right, ” 6/30 ” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville of Printemps nordique I : handwritten signature at the bottom right, ” 10/30″ at the bottom left
Ponts et canaux I
Other designation : Hollande n°3.1
Lithography in colors
24 x 18 cm
28 x 21,5 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer: [Desjobert], Paris
There is a variant, Bridges and Canals II – Hollanden°3.2, where the central background is blue, between two yellow bands
Vellum paper; number of proofs unknown
– 1 copy kept by the family: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “E.A.” at the bottom left
Flamme vive
Lithography in colors
51 x 35,5 cm
65,5 x 50 cm
Publisher : Publisher :Nesto Jacometti / L ‘Œuvre gravée, Paris – Zürich. Cat N°121
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
175 proofs on Vélin de Rives, signed and justified; one print on Japon paper, justified from 1/3 to 3/3; some artist’s proofs signed
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
Note: Apocryphal designation / Dobiaschofsky Auktionen, Bern, 12.11.2009, Lot n° 1852, titled The Bird.
La Route
Lithography in colors
54,5 x 83 cm
75,5 x 100 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Paris Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
Paper Vélin de Rives; There are 90 prints of the variant on blue background signed at the bottom right and justified at the bottom left from 1 to 90/90.
– 1 copy kept by the family : handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
There are 90 prints of the variant on green background, on Vélin de Rives, as well as a trial proof on yellow background
– 1 copy on green background kept by the family: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste “at the bottom left
Bibliography : Manessier, le regard, la couleur, la pierre, 40 ans de lithographie, AF AA, 1989
La Nuit
Lithography in colors
30 x 48 cm
56,2 x 76,7 cm
Publisher : [Madame Félia Léon Léal].
Printer : Pons, Paris
Paper : Vélin de Rives ; 53 commercial proofs ; 17 artist’s proofs titled and signed in the lower right corner and justified in the lower left corner. There are also proofs on Japon paper
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature and title at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste 4/17” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature and title at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste 13/17” at the bottom left
L’eau et la pureté
Lithograph in colors
51 x 33,5 cm
71 x 48,7 cm (there would be a large margin print where the sheet would measure 79 x 57 cm)
Publisher : Félia Léal for the Société des Bibliophiles de l’Union française, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
60 proofs on Arches vellum, titled, signed and justified; a few H.C. proofs; five proofs signed, titled, dedicated and justified from 1/5 to 5/5; eight proofs signed, titled and justified from A/J to D/J
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature and title at the bottom right, “épreuve pour la Bibliothèque Nationale” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : handwritten signature at the bottom right, title and “A/J” at the bottom left
A l’obscur
Lithography in 7 colors
60 x 43 cm
76 x 56,3 cm
Publisher : Nesto Jacometti for L ‘Œuvre gravée, Paris- Zürich. Cat n° 252
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
175 copies on vellum of Rives signed and justified, some copies on Japon paper
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature on the lower right, ” E.A. ” on the lower left
La Source
or Hommage à Saint Jean de la Croix
Lithography in colors
45 x 36 cm
70 x 48,8 cm
Publisher : Galerie Nicolas Rauch, Geneva
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
100 proofs on Arches vellum, signed and justified; some artist’s proofs.
Printed before the letter of the poster of the exhibition Manessier, Les Cantiques spirituels de Saint Jean de la Croix, at the Galerie Nicolas Rauch Genève, from July 10 to August 29, 1959.
– 1 copy at the Museum of Abbeville: handwritten signature in lower right, “artist’s proof” in lower left
– 1 copy of the poster at the BNF : (slightly glossy paper): signature in the stone at the bottom left
There is a variant where the pink replaces the purple.
Lithography in 8 colors (blue, 2 red, purple, green, orange, black, “plus a small yellow “*)
62 x 44 cm
76 x 57 cm
Publisher: Nesto Jacometti for L ‘Œuvre gravée, Paris- Zürich. Cat n° 262
Printer : Michel Cassé, Paris
160 copies on Vélin de Rives signed in the lower right corner and justified in the lower left corner, by another hand than the artist’s : some E.A. prints on Japon paper ; some artist’s proofs
– 1 copy kept by the family: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
* indications from handwritten notes of the artist found in the family archives
Le Nid
Petite tache noire n°1
Lithograph in colors
Format small margins (included in XXth century) : 31,3 x 24 cm
Format large margins (separate edition): 47.5 x 36.5 cm
Publisher : Revue XXe siècle / dir. Gualtieri di San Lazzaro (1908-1974), Hazan, Paris.
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
Edition of the review : 2000 copies
125 copies printed separately on Vélin d’Arches; 95 copies for the trade signed and justified, 30 artist’s proofs.
– 1 copy at the BNF : blank proof
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
Bibliography: in Revue XXe siècle n°15, Noël 1960, face page 80. The unsigned prints, inserted in the publication, are captioned on the reverse: “MANESSIER. Original lithograph for the n°15 of XXe siècle “
Source or Torrent
Lithography in colors
64 x 45 cm
76 x 56 cm
Publisher : Nesto Jacometti for L ‘Œuvre gravée, Paris- Zürich. Cat n° 305
Printer : Michel Cassé, Paris
160 copies on Vellum signed and justified; some artist’s proofs; some prints on Japon paper
– 1 copy at the BNF dated 1960 : handwritten signature in the lower right corner, titled Source in the lower left corner.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
Bibliography : Manessier, le regard, la couleur, la pierre, 40 ans de lithographie, AFAA, 1989
Pour Noël or L’Avent
Lithography in colors
38,5/39 x 31 cm
65,5 x 50/50,3 cm
Publisher : The Kestner-Gesellschaft E.V., Hanover, at the request of Dr. Werner Schmalenbach (for the Christmas wishes of the members of the museum of which he was director from 1955 to 1962)
Printer: Michel Cassé, Paris
300 copies on Vélin de Rives signed and justified from 1/300 to 300/300; 35 artist’s proofs signed and justified in Roman numerals from I/XXXV to XXXV/XXXV
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right, ” épreuve d’artiste VII/XXV ” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy at the Museum of Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste XVII/XXV” at the bottom left
Eau souterraine ou Tache noire n°2
Other title originally given by the artist: Page de croquis
Lithography in colors
31 x 20,5 cm
Format small margins (included in XXth century) : 31 x 24 cm
Format large margins (printed separately): 50 x 39 cm
Publisher : Revue XXe siècle / dir. Gualtieri di San Lazzaro (1908-1974), Hazan, Paris.
Printer : Jean Pons, Paris
Edition of the review : 2000 copies
75 copies on Arches paper signed in the lower right corner and justified in the lower left corner; some artist’s proofs.
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “artist’s proof” at the bottom left
Bibliography: in Revue XXe siècle n°20, Noël 1962, opposite the article by Giuseppe Marchiori: “Spiritualité de Manessier”, written following his Grand Prix for painting at the XXXIst Venice Biennale (1962).
The unsigned prints, inserted in the publication, are captioned on the back: “MANESSIER. Sketch. Original lithograph for XXe siècle, n°20 “
Lithograph in colors
signed in stone at the bottom center to the right
25,5 x 19 cm (image and sheet on Arches Vellum)
29.5 x 21.7 cm (print on Vélin de Rives with margins)
Publisher : Fernand Mourlot, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris ; Imprimerie Nationale, Paris (for the typography)
Edition : 2000 copies inserted in the book, printed on Vélin d’Arches, captioned on the back: “Alfred Manessier. Composition”;
200 copies out of trade printed on Vélin de Rives.
Bibliography : Prints from the Mourlot press, traveling exhibition in the United States, 1964-1965, p.71 (lithograph commissioned by the Mourlot studio for this exhibition).
Alléluia des champs
Lithography in colors
39 x 63,5 cm
41 x 64 cm
Publisher : Félia Léon Léal for the Société des Bibliophiles de l’Union française, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
Lithography ordered on the occasion of the publication of the illustrated book : Presentation of the Beauce to Notre-Dame de Chartres, by Charles Péguy, completed on February 25, 1964, to accompany some first copies.
30 prints on Vélin de Rives paper, signed at the bottom right and numbered from 1 to 30/30 ; 30 prints on Japon nacré paper, signed at the bottom right and numbered from 1 to 30/30 ;
12 artist’s proofs printed on Vélin de Rives, signed at the bottom right and lettered at the bottom left from A to L/L
20 artist’s proofs printed on Japon nacré paper, numbered from I to XX/XX
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste B/L” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste A/L” at the bottom left.
Note: Apocryphal designation / Komposition in Rot (Composition in red)/ Composition in red and blue / Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc.
Laudes also entitled Alléluia bleu
Lithography in 6 colors (2 blues, red, green, pink, ochre)
52 x 52 cm
76 x 56 cm
Publisher : Publisher : Nesto Jacometti for L ‘Œuvre gravée, Paris- Zürich. Cat n° 420
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
125 copies on Vélin de Rives, signed lower right and justified lower left, some artist’s proofs signed lower right.
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “Épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
Alléluia [rouge]
Lithography in 6 colors (red, orange, blue, green, yellow, grey)
54 x 52 cm
76 x 56 cm
Publisher : Nesto Jacometti for L ‘Œuvre gravée, Paris- Zürich. Cat n° 419
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
125 copies on Vélin de Rives, signed lower right and justified lower left, some artist’s proofs signed lower right.
– 1 copy kept by the family : handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left.
Les Trois Clous
Lithography in colors
50 x 65 cm
55 x 76 cm
(There would be copies with large margins where the sheet would measure 65 x 100 cm)
Publisher : Nesto Jacometti for L’Œuvre gravée, Paris-Zürich.
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
140 copies on Vélin d’Arches signed by the painter in the lower right corner and justified in the lower left corner; a few artist’s proofs signed in the lower right corner and justified “E.A.” in the lower left corner, by another hand than the artist’s;
– Copy kept in the family archives: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
[Bibliography: Cat. Nesto Jacometti, no. LNJ 507, page 304]
Note: The edition of this lithograph – originally intended to honor a request from the Chalcographie du Louvre (Paris) in 1963 – was taken over by Nesto Jacometti in early 1966, with half of the copies transferred to the Galerie de France, Paris.
Other designations : Terre espagnoIe I / Ombre escarpée
Lithography in colors
38,5 x 38,5 cm
66 x 50,5 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
100 copies on Vélin d’Arches signed and justified; some artist’s proofs.
Printed before the letter of the poster of the exhibition of Manessier’s works on Spain at the Galerie de France, from June 3 to September 24, 1966.
– 1 copy at the BNF : blank proof
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature on the lower right, “artist’s proof” on the lower left
Bibliography : Manessier, le regard, la couleur, la pierre, 40 ans de lithographie, A.F.A.A., 1989
Le Ravin
Other designation : Terre espagnole II
Lithography in colors
50,5 x 33 cm
66 x 51 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
Paper : Vélin d’Arches; number of proofs for sale : 100 copies
– 1 copy at the BNF : blank proof
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature on the lower right, “épreuve d’artiste” on the lower left
Lithograph published for the exhibition of Manessier’s paintings on Spain at the Galerie de France, from June 3 to September 24, 1966
Petit Alléluia
[Pour un mariage]
Lithography in colors
32 x 24 cm approx.
A – Format small margins (announcement, sheet folded in two) : 33 x 25,5 cm
B – Format large margins (single sheet) : 42 x 33.5 cm
Editor : Alfred Manessier
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
A – 300 copies on Japon nacré paper, signed on the lower right and justified on the lower left from 1 to 300/300 ; 21 “épreuves d’artistes” not numbered and signed on the lower right
B – 50 copies on Japon nacré paper, signed at the bottom right and justified at the bottom left in Roman numerals
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “XXIII/L” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Museum of Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “XXVI/L” at the bottom left
Lithograph sent with the wedding announcement of his daughter Christine on January 17, 1970.
Bibliography : Manessier, le regard, la couleur, la pierre, 40 ans de lithographie, A.F.A., 1989
Note : Apocryphal designation / Bonheur.
Printemps précoce
Other designation : Printemps rose espagnol (Amandier)
Lithography in colors
22 x 22 cm
A – Format small margins (catalog) : 25 x 25 cm
B – Format large margins (offprint) : 35 x 28 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
A – Edition of the catalog : 700 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed on the lower right and justified on the lower left from 1 to 700/700.
B – 700 copies printed separately on Vélin d’Arches, signed at the bottom right and justified at the bottom left from 1 to 700/700.
Some artist’s proofs (E.A.) and hors commerce (H.C.) not numbered, justified at the bottom left and signed at the bottom right exist in both formats.
– Copy kept by the family: handwritten signature in the lower right, “H.C.” in the lower left
Bibliography: this original lithograph Printemps précoce, printed at 700 copies, is the cover of the catalog of the exhibition Alfred Manessier at the Galerie de France, from June 3 to September 24, 1966, devoted to Spanish landscapes.
Le Grand Nord or Canada
Lithography in colors
24 x 37 cm
30,1 x 40,3 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
85 copies on Vélin d’Arches signed and justified; 30 artist’s proofs signed at the bottom right and justified at the bottom left; 10 proofs annotated with “Expo” signed and justified.
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “Expo 4/10” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: blank proof, dry stamp of the studio “AM”.
Bibliography: Catalogue of prints, Galerie de France, Paris, 1979. Cat. n° 24
Fishes’ sanctuary
Lithography in colors
24 x 36 cm approx.
30,4 x 41,6 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
90 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed and justified; 30 copies signed and justified in Roman numerals; 8 artist’s proofs and 5 copies H.C.
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : handwritten signature at the bottom right, ” 1/XXX ” at the bottom left
Dernière neige
Lithograph in colors, printed equally in two versions with variation of coloring in the inking:
A – variant printed before the blue-green passage
B – variant printed after the blue-green passage
40 x 67 cm approx.
56,5 x 76 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
Each version includes 85 proofs on Vélin d’Arches, signed at the bottom right and justified at the bottom left; 10 proofs annotated “Expo”, signed and justified; 30 artist’s proofs
– 2 copies at the BNF:
1 – with the mention “28/85
2 – with the mention “épreuve Expo 10/10
– 2 copies at the Musée d’Abbeville :
1 – Version A, proof justified “81/85” at bottom left, signed at bottom right.
2 – Version B, justified “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left, signed at the bottom right.
Bibliography : – Catalog of prints, Galerie de France, Paris, 1979. Cat. no. 23.
– Catalog of the exhibition Alfred Manessier, oil and engraved work, Pulchri studio (The Hague), from June 27 to August 2, 1981.
Boule de neige I
Lithography in colors
21 cm in diameter
30,5 x 29 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
85 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed and justified; 30 numbered artist’s proofs; 10 proofs annotated “d’Expo”, signed and justified
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature on the lower right, “Expo 4/10 proof” on the lower left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
Bibliography: Catalogue of prints, Galerie de France, Paris, 1979. Cat. n° 21.
This original lithograph was printed specially for the publication of the first monograph* on the painter, as an accompaniment to the first copies, according to the following distribution:
25 copies, numbered even from 2 to 50, reserved for the French edition;
25 copies, numbered odd from 1 to 49, reserved for the English edition;
35 copies, numbered from 51 to 85, reserved for the artist and the Galerie de France.
* HODIN (Josef-Paul). – Manessier. – Neuchâtel: Éd. Ides et Calendes, 1972; – Bath: Adams & Dart, 1972.
Boule de neige Il
Lithography in colors
21 cm in diameter
30,5 x 29 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
85 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed and justified; 30 numbered artist’s proofs; 10 proofs annotated “d’Expo”, signed and justified
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature on the lower right, ” Expo 4/10 ” on the lower left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
Bibliography: Catalogue of prints, Galerie de France, Paris, 1979. Cat. n° 22.
Note : there would be a print regrouping the two Snowballs.
Procès de Burgos I
Lithography in colors
73 x 106 cm
78 x 120 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
85 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed and justified; 18 artist’s proofs signed and justified in Roman numerals; 30 artist’s proofs signed and justified; 10 annotated “exhibition” proofs signed and justified.
– 2 copies at the BNF:
1 – with handwritten signature and the mention “60/85” ;
2 – with handwritten signature and the mention “épreuve d’exposition 7/10
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : ” épreuve d’artiste ” at the bottom left, signed and justified ” Manessier I/XVIII ” at the bottom right
Bibliography : Manessier, le regard, la couleur, la pierre, 40 ans de lithographie, A.F.A.A., 1989
Procès de Burgos II
Lithography in colors
73 x 106 cm
78 x 120 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
85 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed and justified; 18 artist’s proofs signed and justified in Roman numerals; 30 artist’s proofs signed and justified
– 2 copies at the BNF :
1 – with handwritten signature and the mention “épreuve d’artiste 22/30
2 – with handwritten signature and the mention “74/85
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left, signed and justified “Manessier I/XVIII” at the bottom right
Note: Before this Catalogue of Manessier’s Prints was published online, these two lithographs from 1971 – each designated Le Procès de Burgos – may have circulated on the art market or been exhibited under the same title, but with a reversed numbering. We have chosen to return to the original numbering, mentioned in the Catalogue des estampes de la Galerie de France, Paris, 1979. Cat. n° 25 & n° 26.
Viêt Nam I
Lithograph in colors
73 x 53,5 cm approximately
76,5 x 57,5 cm
Publisher : Éditions Combat pour la Paix, Saint-Ouen (93)
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
This lithograph exists in two versions:
Version without poems : 100 proofs on Vélin d’Arches signed and justified
– 1 copy at the BNF : ” 88/100″, handwritten signature in the lower right corner
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : ” 87/100 “, handwritten signature at the bottom right
Version with inscription, handwritten by the painter, on the stone of poems: 100 proofs on Vélin d’Arches, signed and justified
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature in the lower middle, “99/100” in the lower left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : handwritten signature at the bottom middle, “98/100” at the bottom left
Note : Apocryphal designation / Éclat.
C’est Aberfan tous les jours au Vietnam
Là-bas, c’est Aberfan en avalanche
Le crassier noir américain
Qui glisse et qui ensevelit
Les enfants effarés tous les jours au Vietnam.
Ça ne vous fait donc rien, à vous?
Hugh MacDiarmid (Grande-Bretagne)
La flamme d’or du dollar
Qui dévore les chairs
Comme un cancer.
Un cancer abominable
Et qui ronge les os
Rouge le sang et rouge l’âme
Des U.S.A.
… Huy Cận (Vietnam)
Et puis tout fut calme.
Ecoutez, américains,
Attentivement, écoutez bien.
Les enfants sont entrain de brûler
Dans les forêts près d’Haïphong.
Barbara Beidler, 12 ans, de Vero Beach, Floride
S’en vient la mort, de jour, de nuit,
Par les cités et les champs du Vietnam
Semant des graines de douleur
Semant des graines de malheur
Et derrière elle,
Pas à pas,
Invincible la vie Tenace et patiente la suit
Dora Teitelboïm, Domaine yiddish
Je donnerai tes yeux
Où dort ton enfant mort
Hiền au liseron d’eau
Sur la digue à Phú Xá
Françoise Corrèze (France)
Toujours ce creux
Qui ne se bouche pas
Avec les yeux des autres,
Même brûlés devant vos yeux.
Guillevic (France)
Rivages du Mékong
Veilliez sur l’homme fraternel.
La lourde boule des morts insatisfaits tourne au-dessus du Mékong attendant de s’émietter en grains de riz
Armand Gatti (France)
Ce qu’il n’est pas obligé de faire le mercenaire Le conquérant
C’est de venir
Et s’il préfère
Il pourrait rembarquer
li pourrait retourner chez lui
Et s’il préfère
Nous aussi.
Jacques Gaucheron (France)
Point trop ne parle qui sait se donner
Rien n’est plus précieux que valeur d’humanité
Nous savons pourquoi nous combattons
Pour qui notre sang nous versons.
… Tô-Hûu (Vietnam)
Petite graine d’espérance
Lithograph in colors
11,5 cm of diameter approximately
17 x 22,8 cm
Publisher : Alfred Manessier
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
a) 200 copies on Vélin d’Arches signed and justified from 1/200 to 200/200
b) 200 copies on Vélin d’Arches : proofs left blank or stamped post-mortem (dry studio stamp)
– 1 copy at the BNF : blank proof
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : blank proof
Lithograph sent as a greeting card for the year 1972.
La Tache rouge
Lithography in colors
47 x 41 cm approximately
65 x 50 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
85 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed in the lower right corner and justified in the lower left corner; some artist’s proofs.
– 2 copies at the BNF :
1- Blank proof
2- Handwritten signature at the bottom right, ” 47/85 “.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
Bibliography: Catalogue of prints, Galerie de France, Paris, 1979. Cat. n° 27.
Petite tache rouge
Lithography in colors
26,5 x 22,5 cm approximately
a) Format small margins (edition) : 32,5 x 25 cm
b) Size large margins (separate edition) : 44,5 x 34,5 cm
Publisher : Fernand Mourlot, Paris
Printer : Fernand Mourlot, Paris
Typographer : Féquet et Baudier, Paris
a) 800 copies of the limited edition on Arches Vellum, unsigned, annotated on the back : ” ALFRED MANESSIER / La tache rouge / Lithographie originale “.
b) 90 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed and justified from 1/90 to 90/90; some artist’s proofs.
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right, ” épreuve d’artiste ” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Museum of Abbeville : handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left
Lithography realized in homage to Fernand Mourlot
Bibliography : MOURLOT (Fernand). Memories and portraits of artists, preface by Jacques Prévert. 25 original lithographs out of text (of which that of Manessier). Alain C. Mazo, Paris & Léon Amiel, New York, 1972.
Viêt-Nam II
Lithography in colors
49 x 69 cm approximately
56 x 76 cm
Publisher: Dr. Louis Gans for Prins Bernhard Fonds, European Cultural Foundation, European Graphic Circle, Amsterdam
Printer: Mourlot, Paris
200 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed and justified from 1/200 to 200/200; 10 copies signed and unjustified; 20 copies signed and justified in Roman numerals (artist’s proofs), some copies H.C.
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right, ” H.C. ” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the museum of Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “H.C.” at the bottom left
Lithograph in colors
52 x 71 cm
53,5 x 76 cm
Publisher : Éditions Sentiers, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
90 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed and justified.
30 copies on Arches vellum, signed at the bottom right, justified “H.C.” at the bottom left from I/XXX to XXX/XXX.
– Copy kept by the family: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “H.C.” at the bottom left.
Note : This print is part of a collection entitled L’École de Paris au seuil de la mutation des Arts. Purple cloth case, stamped on the front, composed of 21 lithographs in colors of various artists such as, Sonia Delaunay, Lanskoy, Lapicque, Manessier, Soulages… each signed and justified.
Ode élémentaire à Pablo Neruda
Lithography in colors
51 x 51 cm
78 x 58 cm
Publisher : Maison des Arts et Loisirs, Montbéliard
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
80 copies signed on the lower right and justified on the lower left from 1/80 to 80/80.
Some artist’s proofs signed in the lower right corner and justified in the lower left corner ” E.A. “.
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : blank proof
Print before the letter of the poster of the collective exhibition entitled “Ode élémentaire à Pablo Neruda” at the Maison des Arts et Loisirs de Montbéliard from 07/05 to 08/06/1975.
Bibliography : Manessier, the look, the color, the stone, 40 years of lithography, A.F.A.A., 1989
Joie champêtre
Lithography in colors
50,3 x 50,3 cm
88 x 61 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
80 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed and justified; a few copies HC; a few artist’s proofs signed on the lower right and justified on the lower left “E.A” or “épreuve d’artiste
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “H.C.” at the bottom left.
Print before the letter of the poster of the exhibition Alfred Manessier – Peintures actuelles, Galerie de France, Paris, from 26/02 to 05/04 1975.
Bibliography : Catalogue of prints, Galerie de France, Paris, 1979. Cat. n° 28.
Laudes II
Lithograph in colors
57 x 49,5 cm approximately
65 x 51 cm
Publisher : Unknown
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
50 copies on Vélin d’Arches ; signed at the bottom right and justified at the bottom left from 1/50 to 50/50
25 artist’s proofs signed on the lower right and justified in Roman numerals on the lower left from I/XXV to XXV/XXV. There are also prints on Japon paper, annotated on the lower left “épreuve d’artiste” and signed on the lower right.
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste XVIII/XXV” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy at the Museum of Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste XIX/XXV” at the bottom left.
Apocryphal title / Figure
L’Arbre et le vent
Two-colored lithograph, after a drawing of 1968
49,3 x 41 cm
65 x 50 cm
Publisher : Gérard Xuriguera as part of a traveling exhibition* organized by the Direction de l’Action Culturelle de la Jeunesse, des Sports et des Loisirs, Paris
Printer : Imprimerie artistique Bellini, Paris
100 copies on Vélin d’Arches, of which 70 copies for the trade signed at the bottom right and justified at the bottom left; 30 artist’s proofs signed at the bottom right and justified in Roman numerals at the bottom left; a few unnumbered artist’s proofs, signed at the bottom right, justified “E.A.” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy at the BNF: title and handwritten signature at the bottom right “Manessier 77”, “pour la BN” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy in the Museum of Abbeville: handwritten signature in bottom on the right, “épreuve d’artiste XVI/XXX” in bottom on the left.
* Exhibition itinerary from October 1, 1977 to October 31, 1978: Manessier, paintings, watercolors, drawings, prints, Saint-Nazaire, Galerie art et lettres; Paris, M.J.C. “Les Hauts de Belleville”; Arles, Centre d’animation culturelle Pablo Neruda; Brest, Palais des beaux-arts; Toulouse, Centre Culturel de l’Art présent; Sarcelles, Centre culturel, Forum des Cholettes; Bar-le-Duc, Musée des beaux-arts; Thonon-les-Bains, Maison des arts et loisirs; Le Pecq, Centre André Malraux; Arras, Musée des beaux-arts.
Fifteen Lithographs on the theme of Easter
Suite of fifteen lithographs in 5 to 7 colors
Realized on zinc plates
51 x 70 cm approximately
56 x 76 cm
Publisher: Ediciones Polígrafa S.A., director Manuel de Muga, Barcelona
Printer: La Polígrafa SA, Perets del Vallès
(Some of the plates were developed at Mourlot, Paris)
99 copies on Guarro paper, printed on 17/11/1978, signed in the lower right corner on each of the plates numbered from I to XV and justified in the lower left corner from 1/99 to 99/99; some copies H.C. of which twenty justified in Roman numerals reserved for the artist from I/XX to XX/XX.
A selection of verses from the New Testament to be associated with each of the plates, made by Manessier, can be found in the archives of the BNF.
I. The Garden of Olives
II. The Arrest of Jesus
III. The Imprisonment or Prison
IV. The Tortures
V. The Denial of Peter or The Crowing of the Rooster
VI. The Cohort
VII. The Ascent to Calvary – The Holy Women
VIII. The Ascent to Calvary – The White Cross
IX. The Crucifixion or The Three Crosses
X. The Blood and the Water
XI. The Burial or The Entombment
XII. The Guarding of the Tomb or The Guarded Tomb
XIII. The Empty Tomb or The Open Tomb
XIV. The Angel’s Message or Easter Morning
XV. The Appearance of Jesus to Mary of Magdala (The Easter Hallelujah) or The Easter Garden
– 3 copies at the BNF :
1- Handwritten mention ” BN 1/3 ” on the 14 plates (plate X, Le Sang et l’eau). Proofs signed and numbered from I to XV.
2- Handwritten mention ” BN 2/3 ” on the signed and numbered proofs. 3- Handwritten mention ” BN R/3 ” on the signed and numbered prints.
– 1 copy in the Abbeville Museum : justified ” V/XX ” ; signed and numbered proofs.
Bibliography :
Manessier, le regard, la couleur, la pierre, 40 ans de lithographie, A.F.A.A., 1989.
LE NOUËNE Patrick (dir.), Alfred Manessier, 1911-1993, paintings, watercolors, stained glass, lithographs, catalog of the exhibition at the Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Angers, 1994, pp. 98-101.
Les trois Soleils de Lavaux II
Color lithograph, reproducing the model of a small civil stained glass window titled The Three Suns of Lavaux, made by the Swiss master glass artist, Michel Eltschinger, for the benefit of the winegrower Claude Giroud in 1979.
This print – signed in the plate “Manessier” in the lower left corner and dated in the lower right corner – was also used as the basis for the label of the 1979 vintage of the production of this Vaudois winegrower, under the name “Villette” and “À vitrail et raisins les soleils sont cousins” in the exergue.
38 x 28 cm
Publisher: Claude Giroud, winegrower, Aran, Grandvaux, Switzerland
Printer: [Imprimerie artistique Bellini, Paris].
Arches vellum paper; number of prints: 80 copies; some “artist’s proofs” and “H.C.”
* The labels of the 1979 vintage and the greeting cards reproducing this model in two different formats were printed on the presses of Roth & Sauter, master printers in Lausanne.
Lithography in colors
33 x 25 cm
50 x 38 cm
Publisher : René Faessler, architect, Le Socle, Switzerland, for the 25th anniversary of his agency
Printer : Mourlot, Pairs, dry stamp
80 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed in the lower right corner, justified in the lower left corner from 1/80 to 80/80; 20 artist’s proofs signed and justified in Roman numerals; some artist’s proofs signed, not numbered.
– 3 copies at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right, ” BNF 1/3 “, ” BNF 2/3 ” and ” BNF 3/3 “.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right,”artist’s proof” at the bottom left.
Port la nuit
Lithograph in colors
52,5 x 50,5 cm approximately
80,5 x 58 cm
Publisher : Pulchri Studio, The Hague
Printer : Mourlot, Paris, dry stamp
80 proofs on Arches paper intended for the trade; 40 proofs annotated “H.C.” signed and justified in Roman numerals from I/XL to XL/XL and signed in the lower right corner; some “artist’s proofs” signed in the lower right corner.
Print before the letter of the poster of the exhibition “Alfred Manessier, huile et oeuvre gravé”, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, from June 27 to August 2, 1981 [poster size 87 x 61,3 cm].
– 1 copy at the BNF: “Manessier 81” at the bottom right, “H.C. II/XL” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature
Bibliography : reproduced on the cover of the brochure Manessier, 40 ans de lithographie, AFAA, 1989
Original Aquatints
Sans titre – Hollande n°4
Etching in colors
13,5 x 14,3 cm
Format small margins : 18 x 14,3 cm
Size large margins : 33,3 x 25,1 cm
Publisher : Georges Fall, Paris
Printer : Atelier Lacourière, Paris
100 copies signed and justified, of which 99 on Vélin d’Arches and one copy (justified 1/100) containing a print on Japon nacré, a suite and the copper scratched by the artist.
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature in the lower right corner
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : handwritten signature in the lower right corner
Engraving printed to accompany the first 100 copies of the book by Jean Cayrol, Manessier, Paris, Edition Georges Fall, collection Le Musée de Poche, under the direction of Jean-Clarence Lambert, 1955.
Note: Apocryphal designation / Mallams, Oxford, 16.12.2020, Lot n° 499 titled Oiseaux sur fond bleu (Hommage à Braque)
Les trois Soleils de Lavaux I
Aquatint in three colors
This is a multiple reproducing the painter Manessier’s model* for a bottle label of white wine from the canton of Vaud, part of a series initiated in 1966, of labels by artists such as Gilioli (1970), Louttre B. (1972), Wogensky (1973), titled Les trois Soleils de Lavaux (sun of the sky, sun of Lake Geneva, sun of the vineyard walls).
Upper bowl : 3,3 x 11 cm
Lower bowl : 14,5 x 11 cm
Sheet : 38 x 28 cm
Publisher : Claude Giroud, winegrower, Aran, Grandvaux, Switzerland
Printer : Imprimerie artistique Bellini, Paris
Paper : Vélin d’Arches ; number of prints : 80 copies signed at the bottom right ; some “épreuves d’artiste” and “H.C.
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “BN” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right.
* The labels of the 1974 vintage and of the greeting cards reproducing in two different formats the draft label, were printed on the presses of Roth & Sauter, master printers in Lausanne.
Apocryphal titles : Soleil – Soleils oranges
Eau-forte en rouge et violet n°23 & n°23 bis
Aquatint in colors
25 x 18 cm approximately
a) Size large margins : 38 x 28,5 cm (n°23)
b) Format small margins : 29,5 x 22,5 cm (n°23 bis)
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Imprimerie artistique Bellini, Paris
75 copies on Arches vellum for the small margins format, signed at the bottom right and justified at the bottom left from 1/75 to 75/75; 25 artist’s proofs signed and justified in Roman numerals from I/XXV to XXV/XXV; a few offprints are justified at the bottom left “H.C.”, signed at the bottom right, not numbered; a few copies justified at the bottom left “épreuve d’artiste”, signed at the bottom right, not numbered.
– 3 copies at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “BN” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left.
Accompanies the first prints of the catalog of the exhibition Manessier. 1970-1974, Paris, Galerie de France, 1974-1975
Eau-forte en bleu n°24
Aquatint in colors
26,5 x 20 cm
38 x 28,5 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Imprimerie artistique Bellini, Paris
75 copies on Arches vellum, signed in the lower right corner and justified in the lower left corner from 1/95 to 95/95; some unnumbered proofs, signed in the lower right corner, justified in the lower left corner “épreuve d’artiste”.
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right.
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste” at the bottom left.
Eau-forte en rouge n°25
Aquatint in colors
30 x 39,5 cm
50,5 x 66 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Imprimerie artistique Bellini, Paris
95 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed in the lower right corner and justified in the lower left corner from 1/95 to 95/95; some unnumbered proofs, signed in the lower right corner, justified in the lower left corner “épreuve d’artiste”.
– 2 copies at the BNF:
1- Handwritten signature at the bottom right
2- Handwritten signature at the bottom right “Manessier 75”, “for the BN” at the bottom left.
– 1 copy in the Museum of Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “artist’s proof” at the bottom left.
Bibliography: Alfred Manessier, oil and engraved work, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, from 06 to 02/08/1981.
Eau-forte en rose n°26
Aquatint in colors
40 x 30 cm
66 x 50,5 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Imprimerie artistique Bellini, Paris
95 copies on Vélin d’Arches signed in the lower right corner and justified in the lower left corner from 1/95 to 95/95 ; some copies justified in the lower left corner “épreuve d’artiste”, signed in the lower right corner, not numbered.
– 2 copies at the BNF:
1- Handwritten signature at the bottom right ” Manessier 75 “, ” for the BN ” at the bottom left ;
2- Handwritten signature at the bottom right
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville : blank proof
Eau-forte en violet n°27
Aquatint in colors
30 x 39,5 cm
50 x 66 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Imprimerie artistique Bellini, Paris
95 copies on Vélin d’Arches, signed in the lower right corner and justified in the lower left corner from 1/95 to 95/95; some copies justified in the lower left corner “épreuve d’artiste”, signed in the lower right corner, not numbered.
– 2 copies at the BNF:
1- Handwritten signature at the bottom right
“Manessier 75”, “for the BN” at the bottom left.
2- Handwritten signature at the bottom right.
– 1 copy at the Museum of Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “artist’s proof” at the bottom left.
Illustrated books
Spiritual Canticles of Saint John of the Cross
Twelve original lithographs in color illustrating the Spiritual Canticles of Saint John of the Cross (Juan de Yepes Álvarez, 1542-1591)
33 x 25 cm
50,5 x 38,3 cm
Translation in French verse by Father Cyprian of the Nativity of the Virgin, Discalced Carmelite, 1641. Preface by Father Maurice Morel.
Publisher: Edition des Sept, Paris. Madame Madeleine [Pierre] de Harting directed the publication.
Printer: The twelve original color lithographs by Manessier were printed on the Mourlot Frères press, Paris.
The stones were erased after printing.
This book, composed by hand in Astrée typeface, was finished printing by Fequet and Baudier, typographers in Paris, on December 27, 1958.
It was printed in 125 copies on Vélin de Rives à la cuve, all signed by the artist on the colophon, including :
– 12 copies with two suites, one on Japon nacré and the other on Vélin de Rives, numbered from 1 to 12
– 32 copies with a suite on Vélin de Rives, numbered from 13 to 44
– 81 copies numbered from 45 to 125
In addition, 20 artist’s copies and 12 nominative copies were printed
– 1 copy at the BNF (Reserve des livres rares) : handwritten mention : ” copy of legal deposit “.
– 1 copy at the Bibliothèque Municipale d’Abbeville
* NOTE: In principle, the twelve lithographs outside the text that make up each suite reserved for the first copies are neither justified nor signed by the artist, whose signature is found only on the colophon of the work.
Presentation of the Beauce to Notre-Dame de Chartres
Poem entirely laid out, calligraphed and illustrated on stone by Manessier, for this original edition of Charles Péguy’s Presentation of Beauce to Our Lady of Chartres.
Large oblong folio, 65 numbered pages in sheets (41 x 65 cm) glued two by two, under printed cover and edition slipcase (44,3 x 67,8 cm) illustrated in lithography on the two covers and the spine.
This work was realized under the direction of Félia Léon Léal for the Bibliophiles de l’Union Française. It was finished printing on February 25, 1964.
The handwritten text and the original lithographs by Manessier were printed on the presses of Mourlot, Paris.
The stones were erased after the printing of the book at 178 copies.
All copies are signed by the artist and the president of the society.
100 nominative copies on Vélin pur chiffon d’Arches numbered from 1 to 100; 46 nominative copies numbered from 101 to 146 reserved for the creation of the Association ” Les Amateurs de livres illustrés modernes “.
20 copies numbered in Roman numerals for the collaborators of the work, and 12 copies lettered from A to L for the artist.
– 1 copy at the BNF (reserve of rare books)
– 1 copy at the Bibliothèque Municipale d’Abbeville : ” C/L “.
Note: There are also separate numbered and signed prints of the two cover plates and the edition slipcase.
Four original aquatints in colors illustrating the poem by Eugène Guillevic, titled Cymbalum.
29,5 x 22,5 cm
Small margins : 32,5 x 24,7 cm / 33 x 26,5 cm
Boxing : 41 x 31 cm
This work composed in Europe corps 24 was printed on the presses of Fequet and Baudier for the typography, and on the hand presses of the workshop Lacourière and Frélaut for the original aquatints. The slipcases were made by the Jean Duval workshop after an original composition by Alfred Manessier.
Printed in Paris on January 30, 1973.
Publisher: Le Vent d’Arles, directed by Mrs. Janine Quiquandon. Moulin de Bras, Bonnefoi (Orne),
– 10 copies on Japon nacré with parchment slipcase, numbered from 1 to 10. The n°1 contains the manuscript of Guillevic’s poems, four original watercolors by Manessier, the “bons à tirer” and a scratched copper. The n°2, 3 and 4 contain an original watercolor and a scratched copper. The n°5 to 10 include an original watercolor of Manessier.
– 65 copies on livélin de Rives numbered from 11 to 75, in a silk slipcase.
Each copy, signed by the poet and the painter, is accompanied by a separate suite of four original aquatints by Manessier signed and numbered from 1 to 75.
– 1 copy at the Bibliothèque Municipale d’Abbeville : ” H.C. ” ; includes an independent suite of the 4 aquatints in addition to those accompanying the text.
– 1 copy at the BNF (Reserve des livres rares)
L’Enfant dans la cité des ombres
38 x 28 cm
Seven original lithographs in colors illustrating extracts of the book of Camille Bourniquel : L’Enfant dans la cité des ombres.
- Cover page : Le Labyrinthe I
- Page 23 : The Bridges or The Quays of the Seine in the morning
- Page 41: The Capernaum
- Page 59 : The Villa Montmorency or The Garden of the Villa Montmorency (Exist a variant with some changes in the coloring)
- Page 79 : The Commune of Paris
- Page 101 : The Sainte-Geneviève Mountain
- Page 123 : The Labyrinth II (Repeat of the first illustration, with reversal of the drawing and some changes in the coloring)
This edition was realized for the Société Le Livre Contemporain et les Bibliophiles Franco-Suisses by Félix Benoit-Cattin and André Schück. The text, composed in Plantin corps 18, was printed by Marthe Fequet and Pierre Baudier, typographers; the lithographs, on the presses of the Mourlot workshops,
The work was finished on April 15, 1978, in Paris.
– 190 copies on Vélin d’Arches à la forme; of which 150 are nominative, signed and numbered from 1 to 150, for the members and 40 copies signed and numbered from I to XL, for the legal deposit and the collaborators.
In addition, it has been printed separately (format: 38,3 x 28,4 cm):
1) 34 suites on Vélin de Rives of eight lithographs (6 plus 2 variants) signed lower right and justified lower left from 1/34 to 34/34.
2) 30 suites on Japon Hosho of eight lithographs (6 plus 2 variants) signed at the bottom right and justified at the bottom left from 1/30 to 30/30.
– 1 copy at the BNF (Reserve des livres rares) : n°XXVII
– 1 copy at the Bibliothèque Municipale d’Abbeville : n°XX
Elegy for Martin Luther King
Three original lithographs* in colors on a quadruple folded sheet forming a triptych by Alfred Manessier for L’Élégie pour Martin Luther King (subtitled Pour un orchestre de jazz) by Léopold Sédar Senghor, third poem of the collection in six fascicules : Les Élégies majeures.
Small margins: 43,5 x 33 cm for the two lateral lithographs;
43,5 x 66 cm for the central lithograph
Large margins (separate prints): 66 x 50 cm
Publisher : Éditions Regard
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
Book realized on an idea and under the direction of Gérard Bosio.
The text composed by hand, in Baskerville font size 24, was printed by Fequet-Baudier, typographers, Paris.
Printed in Paris in November 1978. Printing limited to :
– 35 first copies on large Arches Vellum, numbered from 1 to 35 and enriched with a suite on Japon of the three lithographs numbered from I to XXXV.
– 125 copies on Vélin d’Arches are numbered from 36 to 160.
– 40 copies out of trade and chapel copies, numbered from I to XL
Each copy bears the joint signatures of the artist and the writer.
– 1 copy at the BNF (Reserve des livres rares)
– 1 copy at the Bibliothèque Municipale d’Abbeville : ” copy printed especially for Thérèse Manessier “.
The collection Les Elégies majeures includes 5 other elegies :
– n° 1 : Èlégie des Alizés (3 etchings by Hans Hartung)
– n° 2 : Elegy for Jean-Marie (4 lithographs by Zao Wou-Ki)
– n° 4 : Elegy for Georges Pompidou (4 lithographs of Maria Helena Vieira da Silva)
– n° 5 : Elegy for Carthage (1 aquatint and 4 culs-de-lampe by Pierre Soulages)
– n° 6 : Elegy for the Queen of Sheba (1 etching and 13 caps by Étienne Hajdu)
The box of the set is decorated with a print of a drawing by Etienne Hajdu.
* These three lithographs are part of the suite of 16 plates, with large margins (66 x 50 cm), accompanying the 35 first copies.
Interpretation and reproduction prints
Frontispiece (untitled)
Reproduction of a work on paper by Alfred Manessier, composed especially for volume II of the book Les Peintres célèbres (second edition), fourth volume of the collection La Galerie des Hommes célèbres, published under the direction of Bernard Dorival.
Format small margins (stapled sheet in the book) :
24 x 14.5 cm / 28.8 x 21.8 cm
Publisher : Éditions d’art Lucien Mazenod, Paris
Printer : Presses des Imprimeries Kapp, Georges Lang & Damien, Paris
Printed on May 15, 1954
– The work on paper reproduced bears in the composition at the bottom right the monogram of the painter, dated “54”.
Note: In the current state of our knowledge, the existence of separate prints of this reproduction remains to be proven.
Lumière crépusculaire I
Offset reproduction of an original work by Manessier: Lumière crépusculaire I, 1959, pastel on paper, 25 x 32 cm, signed lower left.
This reproduction, including the signature at the bottom left in the plate, is inserted in the catalog of the exhibition Manessier – Haute Provence, 1958-1959, Paris, Galerie de France, from November 26 to December 31, 1959.
24 x 31 cm in the format of the catalog pages.
In addition, there is a series of offprints countersigned at the bottom left.
Format large margins: 24,5 x 32 cm / 31 x 37,9 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Imprimerie du Compagnonnage, Paris
Paper : Vélin d’Arches ; number of proofs unknown in both cases (catalog and separate edition on sheet)
– 1 copy at the BNF : signature in the plate and handwritten signature at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: signature in the plate and handwritten countersignature at the bottom left.
Le Verdon
Offset reproduction of an original work by Manessier: Le Verdon, 1959, pastel on paper, 25 x 32 cm, signed and dated lower left.
This reproduction, including the signature dated “59” in the lower left corner of the plate, is inserted in the catalog of the exhibition Manessier – Haute Provence, 1958-1959, Paris, Galerie de France, from November 26 to December 31, 1959.
24 x 31 cm in the format of the catalog pages.
In addition, there is a series of offprints countersigned at the bottom right.
Format large margins (offprints) : 25 x 32 cm / 31,5 x 37,9 cm
Publisher : Galerie de France, Paris
Printer : Imprimerie du Compagnonnage, Paris
Paper : Vélin d’Arches ; number of proofs unknown in both cases (catalog and separate print on sheet)
– 1 copy at the BNF : signature in the plate and handwritten signature at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: signature in the plate and handwritten countersignature at the bottom left
[Été] – [Petit paysage espagnol]
A facsimile reproduction of a work on paper specially created in January 1967 by Alfred Manessier for the thirtieth anniversary of the journal XXe siècle:
Été (Espagne) ou Petit paysage espagnol, 1967, oil pastel on paper, 32 x 24.2 cm, unsigned, undated.
Format small margins (sheet included in XXe siècle):
30 x 22.5 cm / 31.2 x 23.7 cm
Publisher: XXth Century Magazine / dir. Gualtieri di San Lazzaro (1908-1974), Hazan, Paris.
Printer : Amilcare Pizzi, Milan
Edition of the review : 2000 copies
Bibliography : Revue XXe siècle n°28, June 1967 – Abstract art in the world
– The unsigned reproductions, inserted in the publication, are captioned on the back: “MANESSIER. Watercolor [this detail is in error] 1967.”
Note: To the best of our knowledge, the existence of offprints of this facsimile has yet to be proven.
Vive flamme or La Flamme vive
Offset reproduction of Alfred Manessier’s original model intended in 1973 for the weaving of a tapestry – (H.240 x W.180 cm) – by the workshops Plasse Le Caisne in Houx, Eure et Loir: Vive flamme or The Living Flame, after a pastel on Japan paper, untitled, unsigned, undated, 47.5 x 36.5 cm / 51 x 39.7cm.
42,5 x 32,5 cm
56 x 53 cm
Publisher : unknown (as far as we know)
Printer : [Imprimerie Jacques London, Paris ?]
This offset reproduction*, printed on Arches paper, signed in pencil in the lower right corner, would have been printed at :
– 100 copies, numbered in the lower left corner from 1/100 to 100/100, by a hand other than that of the artist
– 10 copies off the market are justified at the bottom left from HC1/10 to HC10/10, by a hand other than that of the artist
* Note : this is not an original color lithograph by the painter Manessier as it has been wrongly described in some auction catalogs, under an apocryphal title : Le Cavalier
The Construction of the Arch (1946)
Lithograph in colors, signed in the plate
Reproducing a work of Alfred Manessier painted in 1946 :
La Construction de l’Arche, oil on canvas, 38 x 55 cm, signed and dated lower left. Former collection of Pierre Lévy (1907-2002).
33,5 x 49 cm
50 x 65 cm
Publisher : Pierre Lévy, Troyes
Printer : Mourlot, Paris (execution & printing)
Interpretation lithograph from a beige portfolio with flaps, lace closure, 66.5 x 52 cm, itself attached to a set: “This album, the ninth in a series devoted to the collection of Mr. Pierre Levy, was printed at 600 copies on Arches Vellum. Printed on November 26, 1974 by Mourlot for the reproductions of the “ABSTRAITS” paintings and by Fequet and Baudier for the typography.
Bibliography : VOL.IX : Abstraits. – Preface by Pierre Lévy. – Portfolio containing four plates after the following artists: Bissière (1), Manessier (1: La Construction de l’Arche), De Staël (2). – Mourlot, Paris.
Lithograph in 12 colors, prepared by Henri Deschamps
Reproducing a work of Alfred Manessier painted in 1987:
L’Otage, oil on canvas, 230 x 200 cm, signed and dated lower left.
45 x 39 cm
82 x 58 cm
Publisher : Alfred Manessier, Émancé & Clamart
Printer : Mourlot, Paris, (dry stamp)
The proofs of this edition of 75 copies on Arches paper (270 gr) – of which Manessier was exceptionally his own publisher – remained mostly blank (without signature or justification), with the exception of a few, duly signed and dated “88” in the lower right-hand corner; justified “épreuve d’artiste” and titled in the lower left-hand corner by the painter.
The Succession Manessier reserves the right to mark them with a dry stamp (studio stamp).
– 1 copy at the BNF : blank proof
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature on the lower right, title and “épreuve d’artiste” on the lower left
Bibliography : Manessier, le regard, la couleur, la pierre, 40 ans de lithographie, A.F.A.A., 1989
Offset reproduction of a pastel
37,5 x 35,5 cm
63,7 x 46 cm
Publisher : Print before the letter of the poster of the exhibition Alfred Manessier at the Abbey of Bellelay (Switzerland), from July 4 to September 20, 1970
Printer : Imprimerie Robert S.A., Moutier (Switzerland)
Paper : Rives vellum ; number of proofs for sale unknown
– 1 copy at the BNF : handwritten signature at the bottom right, “H.C.” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “H.C.” at the bottom left
Lithograph in colors, prepared by the chromist Henri Deschamps
Reproducing a work of Alfred Manessier painted in 1976:
Alleluia, oil on canvas, 60 x 60 cm, signed and dated lower left. Collection Musée de la Poste, Paris (gift of the artist, 1982).
36,2 x 36,2 cm
60 x 43 cm
Publisher : Musée de la Poste, Paris
Printer : Mourlot, Paris
Printed on Vellum paper : 40 copies signed on the lower right, justified “épreuve d’artiste” and numbered in Roman numerals from I/XL to XL/XL on the lower left ; number of proofs destined for the trade : unknown [as far as we know]
– 1 copy at the BNF: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste II/XL” at the bottom left
– 1 copy at the Musée d’Abbeville: handwritten signature at the bottom right, “épreuve d’artiste
Note : This is a print before the letter of the poster (58 x 40 cm) of the Manessier retrospective organized by the Musée de la Poste (dir. Maurice Bruzeau) at the Galerie du Messager, on the occasion of the issue of the Manessier stamp Alléluia, December 18, 1981 to January 24, 1982.